Welcome to CWP - KNPC's eSourcing Portal


Kuwait National Petroleum Company, Commercial Department makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information on this website but cannot accept responsibility for any prejudice, loss or damage which may occur from use of the information. Kuwait National Petroleum Company, Commercial Department does not provide quality control of external links; the inclusion of any company's or trader`s name within the pages should not be construed as a recommendation of that company`s or trader`s products and/or services.

If you find anything on this website that causes concern please contact the following:

  • Contact Us Details
  • Kuwait National Petroleum Co. (K.S.C)
    Commercial Department
    PO Box: 70
    SAFAT – 13001

    Tel: (+965) 23887792, 23887794
    Fax: (+965) 23997792 , 23997794 , 23887220
    Email: cwphelp@knpc.com
    Use this email only for clarifications regarding the website.
    For clarifications on tenders use the SEND MAIL button on each tender.
  • Forward Complaint / Grievance To
    Kuwait National Petroleum Co. (K.S.C)
    PO Box: 70
    SAFAT – 13001

    Tel: (+965) 23889210 , 23889211
    Fax: (+965) 23986162
    Email: ksh016@knpc.com
  • For Vendors & Contractors Registration/Complaints
  • Senior Engineer - V & CEC
    Vendors & Contractors Evaluation Committee

    Fax: 00965 23986170
    Email: vec_cec@knpc.com

esourcing helpdesk

Need assistance?

Please contact our eSourcing Helpdesk:

Phone: (+965) 23887792, 23887794

E-mail: cwphelp@knpc.com